Figure 7.
Real-Time PCR Data
(A, B)Kim1, (C, D)Ngal, (E, F)Il1b, and (G, H)Il6 mRNA expression in the kidneys from Sham, CHF+SG Veh, and CHF+SG RTX rats. A to H: Sham group, n = 3-5; CHF+ SG Veh group, n = 4-5; CHF+SG RTX group, n = 5-6; ∗P < 0.05 vs Sham. (I, J)Kim1, (K, L)Ngal, (M, N)Il1b, and (O, P)Il6 mRNA expression in kidneys from Sham, CHF+Sham, and CHF+URDN rats. I to P: Sham group, n = 5-8; CHF+Sham group, n = 6-7; CHF+URDN group, n = 5-8. ∗P < 0.05. ∗∗P < 0.01. SG = stellate ganglion; URDN = unilateral renal denervation; other abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 4.