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. 2022 Jul 8;22:885. doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-08254-1

Table 5.

Factors associated with the utilization of healthcare from SSK scheme and MTPs other than SSK

Socio demographic factors Healthcare utilization from SSK scheme
Adjusted OR (95% CI) a)
Healthcare utilization from MTPs other than SSK
Adjusted OR (95% CI) a)
Age group
 Fewer than 18 years Ref Ref
 18 to 34 years 3.002 (0.08,119.04) 3.195 (0.69,14.78)
 35 to 44 years 1.550 (0.04,67.86) 2.362 (0.47,11.98)
 45 to 60 years 1.870 (0.04,81.49) 2.217 (0.44,11.30)
  > 60 years 2.805 (0.06,134.33) 2.188 (0.39,12.38)
 Male Ref Ref
 Female 1.456 (0.56,3.81) 0.902 (0.52,1.57)
Marital status
 Married Ref Ref
 Unmarried 0.122 (0.01,2.48) 0.448 (0.14,1.39)
 Widowed/separated/destitute 0.306 (0.05,1.96) 1.153 (0.47,2.85)
 Not applicable (age <  = 5) 4.056 (0.08,204.21) 1.625 (0.28,9.32)
Education of members
 No institutional education Ref Ref
 Primary level (years 1–5) 1.335 (0.56,3.19) 1.278 (0.77,2.12)
 Secondary level and above 0.166* (0.03,0.90) 1.851* (1.05,3.25)
 Not applicable (age <  = 5) 1 (1.00,1.00) 1 (1.00,1.00)
Household size
 Less than 4 persons Ref Ref
 4—5 persons 0.498 (0.24,1.05) 1.161 (0.77,1.74)
 6 persons or more 0.909 (0.33,2.53) 0.949 (0.51,1.77)
 Housewife Ref Ref
 Student 10.89 (0.13,882.57) 2.498 (0.41,15.36)
 Agricultural/labor 1.384 (0.38,5.05) 0.427* (0.21,0.87)
 Service worker 1.857 (0.31,11.06) 0.762 (0.29,2.00)
 Small business 1.152 (0.23,5.71) 0.526 (0.22,1.24)
 Unemployed 5.939* (1.42,24.81) 0.405 (0.16,1.03)
 Transport worker 0.968 (0.09,10.69) 0.099* (0.01,0.82)
 Not applicable (age <  = 5 years) 10.89 (0.13,882.57) 1 (1.00,1.00)
At least one household member heard about SSK
 No Ref Ref
 Yes 10.78** (2.45,47.50) 0.643* (0.44,0.95)
Current BPL status
 BPL Ref Ref
 non-BPL 2.275* (1.13,4.56) 1.110 (0.75,1.64)
Distance of health facility from union
 Nearer (less than 6 km) Ref Ref
 Medium (7 to 15 km) 0.479* (0.23,0.99) 1.632* (1.01,2.64)
 Far (More than 15 km) 0.238** (0.10,0.58) 1.267 (0.77,2.08)
Monthly income quintile (in BDT)
  <  = 8000 Ref Ref
  > 8000 to <  = 10,250 4.523* (1.27,16.11) 0.662 (0.35,1.25)
  < 10,250 to <  = 14,000 1.985 (0.54,7.35) 1.058 (0.60,1.87)
  > 14,000 to <  = 18,500 2.991 (0.82,10.86) 1.505 (0.84,2.70)
  > 18,500 2.233 (0.62,7.98) 1.154 (0.64,2.07)
Self-reported illness/symptoms
 Non-communicable Ref Ref
 Communicable 2.166 (0.75,6.27) 0.826 (0.44,1.56)
 Accident/Injury 4.810* (1.22,19.00) 1.781 (0.71,4.46)
 Female reproductive problem 2.172 (0.35,13.45) 2.596 (0.97,6.92)
 Symptoms 1.156 (0.46,2.92) 0.668 (0.42,1.06)
 Others (e.g., Polip, scars) 1 (1.00,1.00) 0.791 (0.20,3.11)
Constant 0.00162** (0.00,0.14) 0.172 (0.03,1.16)
 N 766.00 781.00
 Loglikelihood -146.30 -385.60
 Chi-square 82.34 72.04
p-value 0.000 0.000
 Pseudo-R2 0.220 0.085

* p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001

a Statistical model includes the following: age, marital status, education, household size, occupation, heard about SSK scheme, current BPL status, distance from facility, monthly household income, and self-reported illness