Figure 2.
(A) Forest plot of HRs comparing PFS in the smokers and nonsmokers subgroups. Note 1: interaction effect of treatment by smoking HR = 0.62, P = 0.020. Note 2: HRs for each trial are represented by the squares with the respective 95% CI. The diamonds represent the estimated overall effect based on the meta-analysis of the trials. All HRs (95% CIs) are unadjusted except for WJOG8715L and BOOSTER trials. A total of 52 patients without results by smoking status are excluded from the analysis (13 former light smokers from the NEJ026 study and 39 patients from RELAY with unknown/missing smoking status). (B) Forest plot of HRs comparing OS in the smokers and nonsmokers subgroups. Note 1: interaction effect of treatment by smoking HR = 0.62, P = 0.030. Note 2: HRs for each trial are represented by the squares with the respective 95% CI. The diamonds represent the estimated overall effect based on the meta-analysis fixed effect of the trials. All HRs (95% CIs) are unadjusted except for the BOOSTER trial. A total of 13 former light smokers from the NEJ026 study are excluded from the analysis.
Beva, bevacizumab; CI, confidence interval; Combination, EGFR-TKI plus angiogenesis inhibitor; EGFR-TKI, epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor; Erlo, erlotinib; FEM, fixed effects model; HR, hazard ratio; OS, overall survival; Osi, osimertinib; PFS, progression-free survival; Ramu, ramucirumab; REM random effects model.