Schematic representation of 4 CANTAB tests. (A) Intra/Extradimensional (ID/ED) set-shifting, compound discrimination 1 (CD1) and compound discrimination 2 (CD2) are depicted on the left and right panel, respectively. In both stages, participants need to discriminate the shapes while ignoring the lines. (B) Delayed Matching to Sample (DMS), a no-delay trial is illustrated in which the sample pattern (top) and the 4 choices of patterns (bottom) are shown at the same time, with the arrow pointing to the correct choice matching the sample. (C) Spatial Working Memory (SWM), an 8-box search is depicted with one of the boxes “opened” revealing a hidden token. Four tokens found in previous searches are stacked in a column on the right side. (D) Stockings of Cambridge (SOC), a 3-move problem is shown. Participants need to move the balls in the lower display to match the upper display, making the least number of moves.