Figure 3.
Allergen-induced inflammation signatures are unique in offspring from HDM-exposed mothers. (A) Fold change in expression of cytokines and chemokines using VEH-exposed offspring from VEH mothers (VEH/VEH) as baseline comparison group. (B) Acute HDM treatment increased expression of 21 genes and decreased expression of 6 genes in offspring from VEH-exposed mothers (VEH/HDM) compared with VEH-treated offspring from VEH-exposed mothers (VEH/VEH). (C) Maternal HDM exposure increased expression of eight genes and decreased expression of nine genes in VEH-treated offspring (HDM/VEH) compared with control mice (VEH/VEH). (D) Maternal HDM exposure potentiated expression of 25 genes in acute HDM-treated offspring (black bars, HDM/HDM) compared with VEH-treated offspring from HDM-exposed mothers (gray bars, HDM/VEH) and HDM-treated offspring from VEH-exposed mothers.