Table 3.
Author, years | Study design | Objective | Final cohort | Outcomes | Type of ML | Prediction performance |
Sheikhtaheri A 2019 | Retrospective, multicenter | Predicting the early complications of one-anastomosis gastric bypass | 1509 | Complications incidence | ANNs | Accuracy, specificity, sensitivity: 10-day prediction system 98.4%, 98.6%, 98.3%;1-month system 96%, 93%, and 98.4%; 3-month system 89.3%, 86.6%, 91.5% |
Cao Y 2019 | Retrospective, multicenter | Predicting the risk for severe complication after BS | 37811 | Complications incidence | LR, LDA, QDA, TR, KNN, SVM, MLP, NN, AdaBoost LR, bagging LDA, bagging QDA, RF, extremely randomized trees, AdaBoost Extra trees, gradient RT, AdaBoost Gradient trees, bagging KNN, AdaBoost SVM, bagging MLP | Best gradient RT and bagging MLP AUC 0.58 |
Cao Y 2020 | Retrospective, multicenter | Exploring whether serious postoperative complications of bariatric surgery recorded in a national quality registry can be predicted preoperatively using deep learning methods | 44061 | Complications incidence | MLP, CNN, RNN | AUC ≤ 0.6 |
Nudel J 2021 | Retrospective, multicenter | Predicting leak and VTE after BS | 436807 | Leak and VTE incidence | ANN, XGBs | ANN AUC 0.75; XGBs AUC 0.70 |
Wise ES 2020 | Retrospective, multicenter | To optimize the prediction of the composite endpoint of 30-day readmission, reoperation, reintervention, or mortality, after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy | 101721 | 30-day morbidity and mortality prediction after bariatric surgery | LR and ANN | ANN AUROC = 0.581 compared to LR AUROC = 0.572 in the training set |
Razzaghi T 2019 | Retrospective, multicenter | To identify risks/outcomes associated with BS | 11636 | Risk-prediction | NB, Radial Basis Function Neural Network, k-NN, SVM, and LR | The combination of a suitable feature selection method with ensemble learning methods equipped with Oversampling (SMOTE) method can achieve higher performance metrics |
Cruz MR 2014 | Retrospective, single center | To validate a computerized intelligent decision support system that suggests nutritional diagnoses of patients submitted to BS | 60 | Nutritional monitoring of patients undergoing BS | Bayesian network | The system sensibility and specificity were 95.0% |
Liew PL 2007 | Retrospective, single center | To compare the predictive accuracy of LR and ANN with respect to the clinicopathologic features of gallbladder disease among obese patients | 117 | Prediction of gallbladder disease | LR and ANN | The average correct classification rate of ANNs was higher than that of the traditional logistic regression approach (97.14% versus 88.2%). Besides, ANNs also had a lower Type II error when compared with logistic regression |
LR logistic regression, TR decision tree, RF random forest, Gbdt gradient boosting decision tree, Xgbc extreme gradient boosting, Gbm light GBM, MV majority vote, NB Naive Bayes, k-NN k-nearest neighbor, Ct classification tree, SVM support vector machine, AdaBoost-SVM adaptive boosting SVM, ML machine learning, RT regression tree, SVR support vector regression, AdaBoost-SVR adaptive boosting SVR, Sr RDI sunrise system-derived respiratory disturbance index, OSA obstructive sleep apnea, GOLD Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, NN neural network, NB Naïve Bayes, ROC receiver operating characteristics, PR precision recall, ANNs artificial neural networks, LDA linear discriminant analysis, QDA quadratic discriminant analysis, MLP multilayer perceptron, AdaBoost LR adaptive boosting LR, CNN convolutional nearal network, RNN recurrent neural network, XGBs gradient boosting machines, BS bariatric surgery, VTE venous thromboembolism