Fig. 7.
Social behaviour-related neural circuits, neurotransmitter system and E/I balance in the rodent brain associated with ASD. a A sagittal view of the rodent brain used to illustrate the local and distal circuits implicated in social behaviours. Recent studies use behavioural neuroscience, optogenetics, chemical genetics and electrophysiology have illuminated the relationships between various social behaviour and the activity of specific neural circuits. Alterations in brain connectivity usually accompany changes of neurotransmitter, including glutamate, GABA, oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine. b In addition, the hypothesis of disruption of cortical “E/I imbalance” in autism is widely accepted, which has also been highlighted in the figure. AMY amygdala, AOB olfactory bulb, BNST bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, DRN dorsal raphe nucleus, LS lateral septum, MOB main olfactory bulb, MOE main olfactory epithelium, NAc nucleus accumbens, PFC prefrontal cortex, PVN paraventricular nucleus, RCrusl right Crus I, VNO vomeronasal organ, VTA ventral tegmental area