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. 2022 Jul 4;12(11):5189–5203. doi: 10.7150/thno.71813

Table 1.

Basic science and clinical studies demonstrating the association between oxidative stress and aortic stenosis.

First Author [Ref] Year Study Type Key Findings
Arsenault BJ 34 2014 Cohort study (n=17,553) Patients with Lp(a) levels in the top tertile had a higher risk of AS
The genetic variant rs10455872, which is associated with higher levels of Lp(a), is also associated with increased risk of AS
Bosse K 50 2013 In vitro - porcine VICs Nitric oxide prevents spontaneous calcification of porcine VICs
Endothelial-derived NO signalling increases the expression of the NOTCH1 target gene
Bouchareb R 48 2015 In vitro - human VICs Autotaxin is transported in the aortic valve by Lp(a) and promotes inflammation and mineralisation of the valve
Capoulade R 27 2015 Cohort study (n=220) Elevated Lp(a) and OxPL levels are associated with faster AS progression and the need for aortic valve replacement
Choi B 46 2017 In vitro - human VICs NO depletion in human VICs activates the NF-kB pathway, which promotes DPP-4 expression and subsequently induces osteogenic differentiation via reducing IGF-1 signalling
Côté C 35 2008 Ex vivo - human aortic valve tissue Increased levels of circulating oxLDLs are associated with worse fibrocalcific remodelling of valvular tissue in AS
Demir B 6 2012 Cohort study (n=64) There is a positive correlation between serum uric acid levels and AS severity
Uric acid accelerates the formation of oxLDLs and may decrease NO levels
Hofmanis J 29 2019 Case control study (n=102) AS severity is negatively correlated with levels of HDL cholesterol; higher MPO levels are negatively correlated with levels of HDL cholesterol as well
MPO causes HDL cholesterol dysfunction via oxidation, reducing its protective effects
Kamstrup PR 36 2013 Cohort study (n=77,680) Elevated Lp(a) levels and genotypes that increase plasma Lp(a) levels are associated with an increased risk of AS
Langsted A 77 2016 Cohort study (n=103,083) PCSK9 loss-of-function mutation have lower levels of Lp(a) and reduced risk of AS
Li F 37 2015 In vitro - porcine VICs oxLDLs induce VIC osteogenesis via activation of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE)
Liu H 57 2020 In vitro - human VICs NADPH oxidase 2 is significantly increased in human calcific aortic valves
Matilla L 67 2019 In vitro - human VICs Soluble ST2 disrupts mitochondrial fusion and oxidative phosphorylation capacity, as well as activates the osteogenic NF-kB pathway
Soluble ST2 levels are positively correlated with oxidative stress and inflammation
Mercier N 64 2020 In vitro - human VICs SSAO levels were positively correlated with increasing calcification
SSAO inhibition decreased VIC calcification
Miller JD 16 2008 In vitro - superoxide and superoxide dismutase levels were measured in human aortic valves Superoxide and hydrogen peroxide levels were increased in calcified regions of the aortic valve
Superoxide dismutase activity and expression were reduced in calcified regions of the aortic valve
Mohty D 38 2008 Ex vivo - human aortic valve tissue Valves with higher oxLDL content had higher levels of inflammatory cells, TNF-α and tissue remodelling
Nsaibia MJ 49 2016 Case-control study (n=300) Lp(a) and oxPL levels were associated with higher autotaxin activity; patients with higher autotaxin and Lp(a) and oxPL levels had an increased risk of AS
Peña-Silva RA 62 2009 Ex vivo - human heart valves incubated with serotonin Superoxide levels were increased after incubation with serotonin
Inhibitors of flavin-oxidases or monoamine oxidase prevented the serotonin-induced increase in superoxide levels
Perrot N 78 2020 Ex vivo - human heart valves PCSK9 expression was higher in valve tissue from patients with calcific AS compared to control patients
PCSK9 levels were increased in human VICs incubated in an osteogenic medium, and a PCSK9 neutralising
In vitro - human VICs incubated in an osteogenic medium antibody significantly reduced calcium accumulation
Yu B 45 2017 In vitro - human VICs incubated in an osteogenic medium containing Lp(a) and OxPLs Prolonged incubation of the VICs with Lp(a) significantly increased calcium deposition
Calcium deposition was further augmented when VICs were incubated with both Lp(a) and OxPLs
Yu B 39 2018 In vitro - human VICs incubated in an osteogenic medium containing Lp(a) and OxPLs Incubation of VICs with Lp(a) significantly increased ROS formation
Zeng Q 40 2014 In vitro - human VICs incubated incubated in an osteogenic medium VICs incubated with oxLDLs had higher expression of the BMP-2 pathway and NOTCH1 signalling, with resultant increase in osteogenesis
Zheng KH 41 2019 Cohort study (n=145) Patients with Lp(a) and OxPL levels in the top tertile had greater progression of valvular CT calcium score, faster haemodynamic progression on echocardiography, increased risk of aortic valve replacement and death

AS = aortic stenosis; DPP-4 = dipeptidyl peptidase-4; HDL = high density lipoproteins; IGF-1 = insulin-like growth factor 1; Lp(a) = lipoprotein(a); MPO = myeloperoxidase; NADPH = nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; NF-kB = nuclear factor kappa light chain enhancer of activated B cells; NO = nitric oxide; oxLDL = oxidesed low density lipoproteins; oxPL = oxidised phospholipids; PCSK9 = proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9; ROS = reactive oxygen species; SSAO = semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase; ST2 = interleukin 1 receptor-like 1; TNF-α = tumour necrosis factor-alpha; VIC = valvular interstitial cells.