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. 2021 Jan 27;71(2):133–139. doi: 10.1111/idj.12622

Table 1.

Characteristics, timing, and scoring of the IPR Wound Healing Scale

T/Phase Score
Parameter Score 0 Score 1 Total score
Inflammatory T: 3–5 days Bleeding, spontaneously or on palpation Yes No /8
Granulation tissue Yes No
Haematoma Yes No
Tissue colour Redder or whiter than opposite side tissue Like the opposite side tissue
Incision margins Incomplete flap closure/fibrin clot/partial necrosis/complete necrosis Complete flap closure/fine fibrin line
Suppuration Yes No
Edema VAS (1–10) VAS 6–10 VAS 1–5
Pain VAS (1–10) VAS 6–10 VAS 1–5
Proliferative T: 14 days Re-epithelialisation Partial Complete /5
Tissue colour Redder or whiter than opposite side tissue Like the opposite side tissue
Scar Scar wider than 2 mm/contour irregularity No scar/scar less wide than 2 mm/contour regularity
Suppuration Yes No
Pain VAS (1–10) VAS 6–10 VAS 1–5
Remodeling T: 6 weeks Scar Scar wider than 2 mm/contour irregularity No scar/scar less wide than 2 mm/contour regularity /3
Tissue colour Redder or whiter than opposite side tissue Like the opposite side tissue
Pain VAS (1–10) VAS 6–10 VAS 1–5
Total process /16