Vf-sensitive ascending neurons (ANs) contribute to the stride-coupled modulation
(A) Schematic of the anatomy of the identified ANs.
(B) HS cells’ activity upon optogenetic activation of LAL-PS-ANcontra (orange bar) in experimental (magenta, grand mean ± SEM, n = 5 cells) or control (gray, n = 3 cells) flies.
(C) Vm|5 Hz as a function of the stride cycle (left front leg) in AN-silenced (red, n = 11 fly cell pairs), GAL4 (solid black, n = 12 fly cell pairs), and UAS (dashed black, n = 14 fly cell pairs) control flies.
(D) Mean Vm|5 Hz oscillation amplitude in experimental (red), GAL4 (solid black, p = 0.029, Z = −2.18, signed-rank test) and UAS (dashed black, p = 0.040, Z = −2.05, the signed-rank test) controls.
(E) Example traces of the left LAL-PS-ANcontra (calcium signal, ΔF/F), Vf, and Va.
(F) The cross-covariance coefficient between ΔF/F and Vf or Va (n = 7 fly cell pairs).
(G) ΔF/F (normalized per fly and pooled across 7 flies) as a function of Va and Vf. Right, the Vf tuning (mean ΔF/F over Va) plotted with a linear fit.
(H) Probability distributions of the magnitude of ΔF/F in walking (magenta, 2,909 events from 6 flies) versus front leg grooming (gray, 96 events).
(I) Mean ΔF/F in walking versus grooming per fly (p = 0.031, n = 6 fly cell pairs, the signed-rank test).
See also Figure S7.