Fig 2. Phylogenetic tree of the CSP family from T. infestans, T. brasiliensis and R. prolixus.
The maximum-likelihood tree was constructed using IQ-Tree and protein sequences obtained from the transcriptomes of T. infestans (Triin-, red, available in Table E in S2 File) and T. brasiliensis (Tribr-, black, obtained from [28], and from the R. prolixus genome (Rhopr-, blue, NTE: N-terminus missing in gap; FX: gene model repaired based on de novo transcriptome assemblies; obtained from [29]). Sequences from T. infestans were named according to their R. prolixus orthologues, with the exception of Triin-CSP20 and Triin-CSP21 which have no orthologues in R. prolixus. Branches with SH-aLRT support values > 80 are marked with a grey dot. The tree was rooted at midpoint.