Extended Data Fig. 2. Recall antigen-specific clonal families.
a, Pie chart shows the number of antigen-specific MBC sequences (in parenthesis, clonal families) from D1 identified through the isolation of monoclonal antibodies against influenza virus (FLU), measles virus (MV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and tetanus toxoid (TT). b, Genealogical trees show representative recall antigen-specific clonal families in D1. Isotypes are color-coded (x=isotype not determined). Somatic mutations at nucleotide and at amino acid (in parenthesis) levels is indicated on individual branches of the trees. The vertical thin dotted lines without arrowheads connect cells with identical VH/VL sequence. The thickness of the arrows reflects the number of mutations. More examples can be found in the RepSeq Playground.