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. 2022 Jul 13;378:e069445. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2021-069445

Table 3.

Case series of longer term follow-up of myocarditis or pericarditis after mRNA covid-19 vaccination (question four)

Case series (country) Chelala 2021 (US) Patel 2021 (US) Klein 2022 (US)
Date of cases 14 June 2021 May 2021-June 2021 25 December 2021
No of cases 5 9 43
Confirmed cases Clinically confirmed through review of medical records, results of biochemical laboratory testing, ECG results, and findings from echocardiography, cardiac MRI; met 2018 Lake Louise criteria Diagnoses reviewed and met the CDC case definition and troponin elevation ICD-10 used then diagnoses confirmed by medical record review
Case source Single medical centre in US Single medical centre in Atlanta, US Kaiser Permanente in Colorado, Oregon, California, and Washington; HealthPartners Institute Minnesota; Denver Health
Myocarditis (No (%)) 5 (100) 9 (100) 23 (53)
Pericarditis (No (%)) 0 0 2 (5)
Myopericarditis (No (%)) 0 0 18 (42)
Male (No (%)); female (No (%)) 5 (100); 0 (0) 9 (100); 0 (0) 37 (86); 5 (14)
Age (years) Mean 17 (range 16-19) 15.7 (IQR 14.5-16.6) 29 (67%) 12-15 years; 14 (33%) 16-17 years
Vaccine product (No (%)) 4 (80) BNT162b2 (Pfizer); 1 (20) mRNA-1273 (Moderna) 9 (100) mRNA vaccine 43 (100) BNT162b2 (Pfizer)
In intensive care unit (No (%)) NR 2 (22) 11 (26)
Admitted to hospital (No (%)) 5 (100) 9 (100) 28 (65)
Presenting after second vaccination (No (%)) 5 (100) 8 (89) NR
History of covid-19 (No (%)) 0 NR 2 (5)
Positive result on polymerase chain reaction test for covid-19 (No (%)) 0 NR NR
Patients with covid nucleocapsid antibody present (among tested) (No (%)) NR NR NR
Patients with SARS-CoV-2 spike antibody (No (%)) NR NR NR
Previous myocarditis or pericarditis history (No (%)) None reported NR 2 (5%)
Median time between last vaccine and symptom onset, days, (range) 4 (3-4) 3 between 2nd vaccination and hospital admission 2 (0-20)
Chest pain on presentation (No (%)) 5 (100) 9 (100) NR
Other symptoms (eg, myalgia, fatigue, fever; (No (%)) NR 4 (44) dyspnoea NR
Troponin elevation (among tested; No (%)) 5 (100, all tested) NR NR
Median time to troponin peak after vaccination (days) NR NR NR
BNP or N-terminal-proBNP elevation (among tested; No (%)) 0; normal (4/4 tested) NR NR
CRP elevation (among tested; No (%)) 4 (80%, 5/5 tested) NR NR
Patients with eosinophilia (among tested) NR NR NR
Abnormal ECG (among tested; No (%)) 2 (40, 5/5 tested); ST segment elevation (1 patient), sinus bradycardia (1 patient), normal (3 patients) 6 (67, 9/9 tested); repolarisation abnormalities (6 patients), normal (3 patients) NR
Abnormal cardiac MRI (among tested; No (%)) 5 (100, 5/5 tested); no segmental wall motions abnormalities, and basilar and mid-cavity involvement; early and late gadolinium enhancement NR NR
Abnormal ECG (among tested; No (%)) 2 (40, 5/5 tested); LVEF mildly to moderately decreased and associated with global hypokinesis (1 patient),
ectasia of right coronary artery and left anterior descending artery (1 patient), normal (3 patients)
Median (IQR) LVEF at presentation=60 (58-67) NR
Patients with LVEF <50% (among tested; No (%)) 1 (20) 2 (22) with 30-55% LVEF at presentation; 7 (78) with >55% LVEF at presentation NR
Symptoms resolved (No (%)) 5 (100) NR 43 (100) discharged home
Fatalities (No (%)) 0 0 0
Median (range) length of stay in hospital (days) 3 (3-9) NR 2 (0-7)
Treated with medications for myocarditis (No (%)) Prescribed at discharge: 1 (20) colchicine and metoprolol; 1 (20) metoprolol; 1 (20) NSAID; 1 (20) aspirin 8 (89) other NSAID if no aspirin; 2 (22) vasopressors; 1 (11) IVIG; 1 (11) aspirin; 0 steroids NR
Patients with follow-up data (No (%)) 5/5 (100) 9/9 (100) 24/43 (56)
Mean (range) length of clinical follow-up (days) 95 (92-104) 90 (NR) 88.5 (28-153)
Repeat cardiac MRI (No (%)) 2 (40) NR 1 (4)
Characteristics of repeat cardiac MRI 2 performed, both stable biventricular size and function; persistent, but decreased, LGE that was similar in distribution to the initial MRI; and an absence of new areas of abnormality NR Normal findings
Symptoms such as chest pain (No (%)) 3 (60); mild intermittent self-resolving chest pain after discharge; in one patient recurrent symptoms occurred after discontinuation of the NSAID prescribed at discharge NR 9 (38) chest pain; 3 (13) shortness of breath; 3 (13) palpitations; 1 (4) fatigue; 3 (13) other (eg, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness)
Medical visits following discharge (No (%)) 3 (60); recurrent symptoms resulted in an emergency department visit ECG findings at clinic follow-up (1-2 weeks after discharge): 1 of 6/9 tested (17) repolarisation abnormalities, 5 of 6/9 tested (83) normal 18 (75) electrocardiogram, with abnormal findings in 9 (50) patients; 17 (71) ECG, with abnormal findings in 2 (12) patients
Continued treatment with medications (No (%)) NR 0 on heart failure medication 2 (8) still on medication (eg, NSAIDs, colchicine)
Recovered with no symptoms (No (%)) NR NR 11 (46) no symptoms, medications, or exercise restrictions

BNP=B type natriuretic peptide; CDC=Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CRP=C reactive protein; ECG=echocardiogram; ICD=International Classification of Diseases; ICU=intensive care unit; IQR=interquartile range; IVIG=intravenous immune globulin; LGE=late gadolinium enhancement; LVEF=left ventricular ejection fraction; MRI=magnetic resonance imaging; NA=not applicable; NR=not reported; NSAID=non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PHAC=Public Health Agency of Canada.

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