Table 2.
Profile of interview participants
Participant group | Number |
Network managers and other network staff members | 9 |
Local context* | 11 |
Patient representatives | 4 |
Urology Pathway Board** members | 5 |
oesophago-gastric (OG) Pathway Board** members | 5 |
OG staff*** from provider organisations (specialist and local centres) | 26 |
Urology staff*** from provider organisations (specialist and local centres) | 57 |
*Includes commissioners (staff involved in the planning and purchase of NHS and publicly funded social care services), academics, staff members from organisations outside of the network, representatives from patient groups
**Pathway boards were led by clinical pathway directors and include representation from patients, primary care and cancer professionals from across the London area.
***Includes surgeons, nurses, oncologists, allied health professionals, pathologists, managers and radiologists.