FIG 2.
SPR-multicycle kinetic experiment of SARS-CoV-2 S1-S2 and hACE2. The sensogram (A) was globally fitted with a Langmuir 1:1 interaction model (B and C, black dashed lines) either with a cropped dissociation time of 200 s (B) or the full (C) dissociation time of 1,200 s. (B) KD, 28.5 nM; ka, 1.7 E + 5 ± 5.4 E + 2 [1/Ms]; kd, 4.7 E-3 ± 1.0 E-5 [1/s]. Chi2, 0.28 [RU2]. (C) KD, 12.2 nM; ka, 5.4 E + 7 ± 2.2 E + 6 [1/Ms]; kd, 0.7 ± 0.03 [1/s]. Chi2, 6.6 [RU2].