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. 2022 Jun 8;96(13):e00122-22. doi: 10.1128/jvi.00122-22

FIG 3.


Examples of single-genome, near-full-length nested PCR amplicons. Near-full-length amplification and sequencing (NFLPAS) nested PCR was performed on MDA reactions containing single-genome HIV-1 proviruses and analyzed by 0.7% sodium borate agarose gel electrophoresis at 250 V for 30 mins using a GeneRuler 1-kb plus ladder. Shown are the results of duplicate PCR reactions from each HIV-1-positive MDA reaction. White lines separate the MDA reactions, and those MDA reactions containing only one analyzed lane are due to the duplicate reaction containing no amplified DNA by gel red dye analysis. Yellow lines denote approximate gel regions for possible intact proviruses (9 kb).