Figure 2.
Clonal evolution with the fishplot package in 6 patients. The vertical axis of the upper graph represents the log fold change in ctDNA load. The horizontal axis of both upper graph and fishplot shows the treatment timepoints. The fishplot shows the clonal evolution across the timepoints, with the list of mutated genes detected, represented as descent in the form of parental relationships. Patients FL 017, FL 022, and FL 024 had quantifiable levels of ctDNA that disappeared under treatment. Patients FL 025, DFL023, and FL 006 had quantifiable levels of ctDNA that persisted under treatment. Only patient FL 006 had a clinical and radiological progression of disease detected after cycle 5. Imaging in this patient was performed before end of cycle 6 due to an increase of LDH levels. C, cycle; EoM, end of maintenance; M, maintenance.