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. 2022 Jul 8;3(7):100520. doi: 10.1016/j.patter.2022.100520

Table 2.

Comparison of different spatial information fusion modules

Spatial operation Block Spatial Channel Resolution sensitive Params FLOPs
Spatial projection MLP-Mixer15 specific agnostic true O(H2W2) O(H2W2C)
ResMLP60 specific agnostic true O(H2W2) O(H2W2C)
FeedForward61 specific agnostic true O(H2W2) O(H2W2C)
gMLP67 specific agnostic true O(H2W2) O(H2W2C)
Sparse-MLP(MoE)88 specific agnostic true O(H2W2) O(H2W2C)
CCS91 agnostic group specific true O(HW) O(HWlog(HW)C)
RepMLPNet92 specific group specific true O(H2W2+C2) O(H2W2C)
Axial projection RaftMLP74 specific agnostic true O(H2+W2) O(HWC(H+W))
ViP71 specific specific true O(H2+W2+C2) O(HWC(H+W+C))
Sparse MLP73 specific specific true O(H2+W2+C2) O(HWC(H+W+C))
DynaMixer75 specific specific true O(H3+W3+C2) O(HWC(H2+W2+C))
WaveMLP76 specific specific false O(2L2+C2) O(HWC(L+L+C))
MorphMLP77 specific specific false O(2L2+C2) O(HWC(L+L+C))
Shifting & channel projection S2MLP78 agnostic specific false O(C2) O(HWC2)
S2MLPv279 agnostic specific false O(C2) O(HWC2)
AS-MLP80 agnostic specific false O(C2) O(HWC2)
CycleMLP83 agnostic specific false O(C2) O(HWC2)
HireMLP86 agnostic specific false O(C2) O(HWC2)
MS-MLP87 agnostic specific false O(C2) O(HWC2)
ActiveMLP85 agnostic specific false O(C2) O(HWC2)

H, W, and C are the feature map’s height, width, and channel numbers, respectively. L is the local window size. “Spatial” refers to whether feature extraction is sensitive to the spatial location of objects, “specific” means true, while “agnostic” means false. “Channel” refers whether weights are shared between channels, “agnostic” shares weights between all channels, “group specific” shares weights between groups, and “specific” does not share. “Resolution sensitive” refers to whether the module is resolution sensitive.