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. 2020 Jun 23;11(2):160–172. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.84

Table 5. Questions From External Stakeholders Asked at AGMs, by Type of Question and Purpose of Accountability .

Type of Accountability Purpose of Accountability Question (Quote)
Financial Adherence to policies, procedures, and proper reporting "Do the tailors have a [bank] account, and is it a group or a personal account?"
"Headmen's contribution has not been mentioned. No matter how little it is, it would be important to know how much was received."
Cost control, reduce waste, prevent corruption "Why do you buy stock from district A instead of district B which is nearby and could reduce on costs?"
"The figures for the workers are not adding up. According to your figures the workers are getting paid less than what you have reported."
Progress towards stability "Has the Governance Committee solicited for funding support from elsewhere?"
Performance Adherence to policies and procedures "Do you have all the trading certificates for your business?"
Documentation of performance "Have you evaluated the competency of the tailors after mentorship lessons to determine whether you are making progress or not?"
Comparison of performance results to targets "Your report said that the dip tank [for goat rearing] is leaking. What is the way forward?"
Organizational learning "The IGA should consider reducing the prices. Market research should be done and check what the prices around are. At the moment your prices are a bit high."
Democratic Satisfaction/responsiveness "Why have you not implemented the headmen's resolution as was agreed in last quarter's meeting, that maize bran should be given back to customers?"
Representativeness "The Agenda states that we are supposed to have elections. Why should we have elections when the current Governance Committee has been trained and they are doing a great job?"
Transparency "Why have you prioritized the construction of the verandah at the expense of the toilet, given the cholera situation?"
Adherence and proper use of authority "Why do you have same people in both the governance committee and the sub-committees? We all want to be part of the committee!"
Information Understanding procedure “When did the tuck-shop open?”

Abbreviations: AGMs, annual general meetings; IGA, income-generating activity.