Figure 5.
Chiral-induced spin selectivity effect and ferromagnetic substrates. (a) Experimental scheme and (b) topographic (top) and magnetic phase (bottom) images of chiral α-helical peptides adsorbed on perpendicularly magnetized substrates showing opposite magnetization induced by opposite enantiomers (left- and right-hand columns). Panels (a,b) reproduced with permission under a Creative Commons CC BY license from ref (36). Copyright 2017 Springer Nature. (c) Experimental scheme and (d) magnetization using NV center magnetometry. In (d), the top left image is a simulation of substrate magnetization after 4 h, and experiments show decreasing magnitude after 4 (top right), 8 (bottom left), and 12 (bottom right) h. Panels (c,d) Reproduced with permission from ref (59). Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. (e) Experiment schematic and (f) measurement mechanism of atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based spin-exchange microscopy using chiral molecules. Panels (e)-(f) reproduced with permission from ref (60). Copyright 2019 John Wiley & Sons.