Extended Data Fig. 1. f-statistics informing on wolf population history.
Bars denote ±1.96 standard errors for f3-statistics, and ±3 standard errors for f4-statistics, estimated from a block jackknife. a) Outgroup f3-statistics quantifying shared genetic drift with a present-day wolf (Fig. S3). b) f4-statistics contrasting affinities to a pre-LGM and a post-LGM Siberian wolf (Fig. S4). c) f4-statistics contrasting affinities to a Siberian and a European pre-LGM wolf (Fig. S6). d) f4-statistics quantifying whether a ~60 ky old Siberian wolf is closer to a contemporaneous European wolf or other individuals (Fig. S7). e) f4-statistics quantifying whether a coyote is closer to a ~100ky old Siberian wolf or later individuals.