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. 2022 Jul 14;8(7):e09934. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09934

Table 2.

Linear regression results for treatment seeking outcome variables.

Variable Model 1
Model 2
B β SE B β SE
Total Contacts
Constant 132.69∗∗ 5.35 132.69∗∗ 5.86
Alcohol Sales −1.79 −.47 0.90
COVID-19 Cases .51 .26 0.51


Total Unique Patients

Constant 88.25∗∗ 2.60 88.25∗∗ 2.68
Alcohol Sales −0.57 −.33 0.44
COVID-19 Cases .21 .23 0.23


Unique Male Patients

Constant 56.31∗∗ 1.86 56.31∗∗ 2.00
Alcohol Sales −0.51 −.40 0.31
COVID-19 Cases .12 .18 0.17


Unique Female Patients

Constant 31.94∗∗ 1.77 31.94∗∗ 1.75
Alcohol Sales −0.06 −.05 0.30
COVID-19 Cases .09 .15 0.15
R2 .003 .02

Note. Alcohol Sales and COVID-19 Cases variables were presented in millions and thousands, respectively, and centered. In Model 1, we entered Alcohol Sales (1,000,000 s of liters) to predict treatment seeking outcome variables. In Model 2, we entered COVID-19 Cases in Skåne (1,000 s) to predict treatment seeking outcome variables. Model = “Enter” method in SPSS; B = unstandardized regression coefficient; CI = confidence interval; LL = lower limit, UL = upper limit; SE = standard error of unstandardized coefficient; β = standardized coefficient; R2 = coefficient of determination.

p < .05. ∗∗p < .01.