Cloning and expression of endostatin in Bifidobacterium longum. (A) Schematic representation of expression cassettes for controlled and targeted endostatin production in B. longum. (B) Expression of endostatin in probiotic strains. Lane 1: Protein marker; Lanes 2–3: L. lactis-Endo; Lane 4: L. lactis; Lane 5: L. acidophilus; Lane 6: L. acidophilus-Endo; Lanes 7–8: B. longum-Endo; and Lane 9: B. longum. (C) Expression of endostatin in B. longum. Lane 1: B. longum-Endo; Lane 2: B. longum. (D) Detection of endostatin protein expression in B. longum by immunofluorescence staining. (E) The growth curve of the recombinant strain was measured with the wild strain and MRS solution as control.