Table 4.
Treatment | Growth regulator | Concentration (mgL−1) | Root initiation (day) | Rooting (%) | Primary roots/shoot | Root length (mm) |
1 | NAA | 0.5 | 31.42 ± 0.49b | 8.58 ± 0.25 (3.10 ± 0.04)e | 1.09 ± 0.04 g | 11.03 ± 0.08e |
2 | NAA | 1.0 | 28.22 ± 0.61 cd | 14.62 ± 2.80 (3.92 ± 0.37)d | 1.90 ± 0.07f | 14.28 ± 0.07e |
3 | NAA | 1.5 | 22.20 ± 0.91e | 16.06 ± 3.07 (4.09 ± 0.39)d | 2.63 ± 0.34de | 18.70 ± 0.05d |
4 | NAA | 2.0 | 22.00 ± 0.57e | 28.97 ± 2.41 (5.47 ± 0.22)c | 3.40 ± 0.23bc | 24.52 ± 0.11c |
5 | IBA | 0.5 | 33.27 ± 0.41a | 18.51 ± 1.85 (4.41 ± 0.205)d | 2.25 ± 0.18ef | 18.45 ± 0.04d |
6 | IBA | 1.0 | 29.63 ± 0.19c | 35.18 ± 1.85 (6.01 0.152)bc | 3.13 ± 0.10 cd | 25.90 ± 0.09c |
7 | IBA | 1.5 | 29.18 ± 0.46c | 44.28 ± 2.86 (6.72 ± 0.21)b | 3.83 ± 0.33b | 29.94 ± 0.13b |
8 | IBA | 2.0 | 27.36 ± 0.41d | 63.93 ± 1.49 (8.06 0.09)a | 4.74 ± 0.23a | 34.67 ± 0.22a |
C.D (P≤0.05) | 1.64 | 0.73 | 0.66 | 3.42 |
*Data noted at the end of 4 weeks of culture on MS medium
Figures in the parenthesis are transformed values (Square root transformation).
Data are a mean of three replicates with ± SE. Same superscript letters in a column do not differ significantly when compared by Duncan’s MRT at 5% level of significance.