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. 2022 Jun 30;10:904792. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.904792

Table 1.

Socio-demographic characteristics of the study participants in Gondar city, northwest Ethiopia, 2021 (n = 858).

Variables Frequency Percentage (%)
Age of women
18–23 74 8.6
24–29 371 43.2
30–35 319 37.2
≥36 94 11.0
Women's educational level
Can't read and write 50 5.9
Can read and write 55 6.4
Primary education 140 16.3
Secondary education 242 28.2
Diploma and above education level 371 43.2
Women's occupation
House wife 381 44.4
Merchant 105 12.2
Government employed 239 27.9
Private employed 99 11.5
Student 34 4.0
Orthodox 706 82.3
Muslim 107 12.5
Others* 45 5.2
Marital status
Married 779 90.8
Unmarried 79 9.2
Husband educational level (n = 779)
No formal education 49 6.3
Primary education 55 7.0
Secondary education 165 21.2
Diploma and above education level 510 65.5
Husband occupation (n = 779)
Daily laborer 88 11.3
Merchant 172 22.0
Private employed 164 21.1
Government employed 355 45.6
Household average monthly income
<2500 ETB 116 13.5
≥2500 ETB 742 86.5
Family size
1–4 488 56.9
≥5 370 43.1
Mass media exposure
Yes 706 82.3
No 152 17.7
Have medical problems
Yes 86 10.0
No 772 90.0

Protestant and catholic. ETB, Ethiopian Birr.