HMGA2·DNA50 (blue) and HMGA2·DNA50·HOE (magenta) native nESI generated mass spectra (a), native ion mobility distributions (b), representative intra- and intermolecular interactions, for which DNA, AT-Hook segments, and CTMP are colored in orange, gray, and blue, respectively (c), CIU fingerprints (d), collision-induced dissociations curves (e), and solution fluorescence anisotropy (f). Ion mobility distributions of HMGA2·DNA22 1:1 (green squares) and 1:2 (green triangles) are shown for direct comparison with the HMGA2·DNA50 1:1 complex. The voltage difference (ΔV) of the CIU is denoted in white, and the eV z/DoF (in meV) values ae denoted in pink for each CIU profile. Note that individual TIMS spectra for each CIU condition are shown in Figure S5. The CID and anisotropy data represent the mean value ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments.