The organisation of the larval midgut. The larval enterocytes (LEC) have a similar polarity to the adult ECs, with an apical brush border, sSJs and a basal labyrinth (BL) (possibly only at later stages). The larval ee cells (lee) have inserted into the larval midgut epithelium and are bottle-shaped, like adult ee cells. (A) The esg + AMPs keep dividing during the first larval instar and the daughter cells migrate and distribute along the basal surface of the epithelium. (B) 1-3 10xSTAT92E-GFP + peripheral cells (blue) ensheath the diploid central, esg + cells (pink) to form the AMP nests in the late third instar larval midgut. Some cells in each nest become Pros + at this stage and will contribute to the future tPMG.