Have you experienced tail-biting previously?
At a similar severity?
At the same age?
At what time of year?
Did pigs enter the finisher barns with tail lesions?
Do pigs have optimal access to resources?
Feed (palatable and enough feeder spaces)
Water (water pressure, water quality, placement of drinkers)
Lying space
Dunging space
What is the temperature in the barn, in the pens, and at floor/pig level?
Is there further evidence of pig discomfort?
Sharp edges
Poor flooring quality
Stray voltage
What lighting program is being used in the barn?
What genetic line are the pigs from?
Is the stocking density appropriate?
At the beginning of the finishing stage?
During the finishing stage?
As pigs reach market weight?
Is there mixing of pigs and disruption of the social order within pens?
Are pigs segregated based on sex? Is tail-docking a normal practice on-farm?
Is there enrichment in the pens?
What is the enrichment; is it species-relevant?
Is the enrichment regularly added to or changed?
When was the enrichment supplied?
Have nutrient deficiencies been found, or addressed?
Other: Loud noises, mechanical failures, new staff, illness in the barns |