Overexpression of brl1F391E induces formation of petal-like structures at the NE. (A) Electron micrographs of WT cells expressing PGal1-BRL1 or PGal1-brl1F391E 5 h after addition of galactose. The images on the right show enlargements of the boxed brl1F391E-induced petals. Abbreviation: N, nucleus. Scale bars: 500 nm. (B) Petals originating from overexpression of brl1F391E do not contain cytoplasmic material. brl1F391E was overexpressed in cells carrying the membrane marker dsRED-HDEL and the cytoplasmic Rpl25-yeGFP (top). Cells were imaged after 3 h of galactose induction. Arrows indicate NE petals that were marked by dsRED-HDEL but lacked the cytoplasmic Rpl25-yeGFP. In addition, PGal1-brl1F391E cells with yeGFP-HDEL and NLS-mRFP were imaged after 3 h of PGal1 induction (bottom). The arrows indicate yeGFP-HDEL–labeled petals that carried a weak NLS-mRFP signal. Scale bars: 5 µm.