Fig. 6.
The computational model with long-range cooperativity that fits low-density experiments predicts length-dependent end tags and Kif4A motility changes with no free parameters. (A and B) Simulated fluorescence images (A) and fractional occupancy profiles (B) created from simulations using 10-µm microtubules with varying Kif4A concentration. (C) End-tag length versus microtubule length for varying models in simulation (circles) and experiment from ref. 24 (triangles). Blue circles correspond to the final model that includes nearest-neighbor, long-range binding, and long-range stepping interactions. The other red, orange, and green circles show results of the model with one interaction removed. (D) Simulated end-tag length versus microtubule length for varying Kif4A concentration. (E) Simulated end-tag length divided by microtubule length versus Kif4A concentration. For plots C–E, the data points represent the average of different values from four independent simulations. The error bars represent SEM.