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. 2022 Jul 14;17(7):e0271031. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0271031

Table 1. Clinical and demographic characteristics according to HBA copy number.

HBA copy number
All Subjects 2 3 4 ≥ 5* P value
Subjects, N (%) 9,684 (100) 387 (4) 2685 (28) 6507 (67) 105 (1) NA
Age, years 63 (57, 70) 64 (58, 70) 64 (57, 71) 63 (57, 70) 67 (61, 73) 0.004
Female sex, N (%) 5952 (61) 243 (63) 1638 (61) 4013 (62) 58 (55) 0.50
Body mass index, kg/m 2 29.7 (26.1, 34.4) 30.3 (26.9, 34.9) 29.8 (26.1, 34.4) 29.7 (26.1, 34.4) 30.6 (27.5, 34.9) 0.19
Smoking status, N (%) 0.58
 Never 4368 (45) 167 (43) 1225 (46) 2931 (45) 45 (43)
 Past 3588 (37) 156 (41) 986 (37) 2401 (37) 45 (43)
 Current 1683 (17) 61 (16) 460 (17) 1148 (18) 14 (13)
Region, N (%) 0.06
 Non-Belt 4816 (50) 169 (44) 1367 (51) 3220 (49) 60 (57)
 Belt 3197 (33) 138 (36) 850 (32) 2181 (34) 28 (27)
 Buckle 1671 (17) 80 (21) 468 (17) 1106 (17) 17 (16)
Medically insured, N (%) 8716 (90) 350 (91) 2428 (91) 5842 (90) 99 (91) 0.61
Education level, N (%) 0.18
 Less than high school 1896 (20) 70 (18) 532 (20) 1271 (20) 23 (21)
 High school graduate 2677 (28) 111 (29) 774 (29) 1762 (27) 30 (28)
 Some college 2572 (27) 99 (27) 738 (28) 1707 (26) 28 (28)
 College graduate or more 2527 (26) 106 (27) 639 (24) 758 (27) 24 (23)
Income, N (%) 0.15
 ≤ $20K 2600 (31) 105 (30) 721 (31) 1742 (30) 32 (33)
 $20K–$34K 2513 (30) 107 (31) 711 (30) 1681 (30) 32 (33)
 $35K–$74K 2489 (29) 103 (30) 708 (30) 1651 (29) 27 (28)
 ≥ $75K 894 (10) 32 (9) 210 (9) 670 (11) 6 (6)
Chronic Kidney disease, N (%) 2498 (27) 83 (22) 688 (27) 1692 (27) 35 (35) 0.05
Diabetes mellitus, N (%) 2818 (29) 103 (27) 808 (30) 1878 (29) 29 (28) 0.47
Total Cholesterol, mg/dL 190 (165, 217) 188 (162, 215) 189 (164, 217) 191 (165, 218) 193 (172, 217) 0.15
C-reactive protein, mg/L units 2.9 (1.2, 6.5) 3.3 (1.3, 7.5) 2.8 (1.1, 6.3) 2.9 (1.2, 6.5) 2.9 (1.1, 6.0) 0.12
Hemoglobin, g/dL 13.1 (12.2, 14.0) 12.4 (11.6, 13.2) 12.9 (12.0, 13.8) 13.2 (12.4, 14.1) 13.0 (12.1, 14.1) < 0.0001
MCV, fL 88 (84, 92) 74 (72, 77) 85 (82, 87) 90 (87, 93) 89 (87, 92) < 0.0001
MCH, pg 29.6 (27.9, 30.9) 23.8 (22.9, 24.8) 27.9 (26.9, 29.0) 30.3 (29.1, 31.4) 29.9 (29.1, 31.1) < 0.0001
MCHC, g/dL 33.4 (32.9, 33.9) 32.1 (31.6, 32.6) 33.0 (32.6, 33.5) 33.6 (33.2, 34.1) 33.8 (33.2, 34.0) < 0.0001
RDW-CV, % 14.0 (13.3, 14.8) 15.0 (14.4, 15.9) 14.2 (13.5, 15.1) 13.8 (13.2, 14.6) 13.6 (13.2, 14.2) < 0.0001
Prevalent hypertension , N (%) 7439 (77) 304 (79) 2070 (77) 4978 (77) 87 (83) 0.20
Resistant hypertension, N (%) 1044 (11) 50 (13) 299 (11) 679 (10) 16 (15) 0.16
Anti-hypertensive medication, N (%) 0.20
 None 3175 (33) 134 (35) 877 (33) 2135 (32) 29 (28)
 One 1966 (20) 67 (17) 525 (20) 1344 (21) 30 (29)
 Two or more 4543 (47) 186 (48) 1283 (48) 3028 (45) 46 (44)
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 130 (120, 140) 130 (120, 140) 130 (120, 141) 130 (120, 140) 133 (120, 144) 0.42
Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg 79 (72, 84) 79 (71, 84) 79 (72, 84) 79 (71, 84) 80 (71, 86) 0.82
Pulse pressure, mm Hg 51 (43, 60) 51 (43, 60) 51 (43, 60) 51 (43, 60) 53 (45, 64) 0.30

HBA = alpha globin gene; P = p value; N = number; K = thousand; RBC = red blood cell; MCV = mean corpuscular volume; MCH = mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC = mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; RDW-CV = red cell distribution width-coefficient of variation; No. = number. Values are median (25th, 75th percentile) except where otherwise indicated.

*105 subjects had 5 HBA gene copies and 3 subjects had 6 HBA copies;

P values for tests of differences by alpha globin copy number using chi-square test for categorical variables and Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous variables;

261 participants met the definition of prevalent hypertension solely based on having two or more anti-hypertensive medications on pill bottle review.