Figure 2.
(a) Depiction of the HKUST-1 surface copper sites formed upon treatment of the MOF powder at 160 °C in the He flux. The resulting Cu2+/Cu2+ and Cu+/Cu2+ dimeric sites are evidenced by yellow and blue arrows, respectively. (b) Theoretical Cu L3-edge spectra simulated for the Cu2+ (yellow) and Cu+ (blue) cations present in the Cu2+/Cu2+ and Cu+/Cu2+ dimers, respectively, and weighted by the estimated relative surface abundance. (c) Comparison between the experimental Cu L3-edge spectrum of HKUST-1 collected at 160 °C in He flux (red) and the theoretical spectrum resulting from the weighted sum of the spectra belonging to the Cu2+ and Cu+ surface species (light purple). Constant energy cuts (dotted grey lines) are drawn in proximity of the experimental maxima of peaks A, C and D.