Figure 3.
Subgroup analysis. The figure shows results from the subgroup analyses exploring the influence of sociodemographic and illness-related factors in the association between the rate of GP contacts per month, continuity of care score, identification of palliative care needs before the last 90 days of life, and multiple hospital admissions in the last 90 days of life (primary analysis). The IRR represents the risk of multiple hospital admissions for the monthly rate of GP contacts, level of continuity of care, and identification of palliative care needs before the last 90 days of life. All models are adjusted for age in years, number of comorbidities, IMD quintile, underlying cause of death, rurality, sex, living in care homes, and year of death, excluding the variable used for the subgroup analysis, and include a random intercept for region and GP practice. CI = confidence interval. CoC = continuity of care. IHD = ischaemic heart disease. IMD = Index of Multiple Deprivation. IRR = incidence risk ratio. QoF = Quality and Outcomes Framework.