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. 2022 Jul 1;13:933235. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.933235


Descriptive statistics of growth traits, slaughter traits, myopathy occurrence and meat quality of pectoralis major in broiler chickens from three different genotypes: data collected over eight experimental trials.

Genotype A Genotype B Genotype C
No Av SD Min Max CV No Av SD Min Max CV No Av SD Min Max CV
Growth and slaughter traits
Daily weight gain, g/d 63 69.7 7.40 56.8 83.8 10.6 1,011 70.5 8.10 53.3 92.0 11.5 204 72.2 7.13 55.1 92.5 9.88
Slaughter weight, g 63 3,205 340 2,613 3,854 10.6 1,011 3,117 409 2,186 4,260 13.1 204 3,327 322 2,426 4,070 9.67
Breast weight, g 63 920 134 609 1,191 14.6 765 900 118 560 1,258 13.2 102 998 108 743 1,224 10.8
Breast yield, % 63 39.9 2.12 32.9 43.9 5.32 765 39.9 2.01 32.9 45.1 5.05 102 40.7 2.16 36.1 46.4 5.31
Myopathies occurrence a
White Striping, % 1 49.2 - - - - 8 64.6 13.1 40.6 78.7 20.3 2 74.1 2.7 72.2 76.0 3.6
Wooden breast, % 1 14.2 - - - - 8 18.7 10.4 6.32 36.1 55.7 2 5.00 1.80 3.70 6.25 36.2
Spaghetti meat, % 1 - - - - - 8 20.7 14.1 5.00 41.9 67.7 2 - - - - -
Breast quality traits 8
pH 63 5.83 0.10 5.62 6.04 1.69 725 5.94 0.14 5.49 7.04 2.34 102 5.84 0.16 5.37 6.24 2.78
L* 63 46.1 2.27 41.3 52.3 4.91 725 47.6 3.08 39.1 55.5 6.46 102 44.8 2.56 38.3 51.1 5.71
a* 63 −0.97 0.59 −2.50 0.28 60.7 725 1.58 1.69 −1.6 5.85 107 102 0.27 0.66 −1.40 1.89 248
b* 63 13.1 1.97 9.01 19.0 15.0 725 17.8 5.40 5.48 32.4 30.3 102 16.0 2.14 10.4 20.7 13.4
Thawing losses, % 63 8.47 3.28 3.10 26.7 38.7 507 10.0 3.09 1.04 19.9 30.8 102 9.14 2.57 4.21 15.5 28.1
Cooking losses, % 63 23.8 3.28 18.6 35.3 13.8 653 26.4 6.08 15.6 45.2 23.0 102 25.8 3.30 21.2 36.3 12.8
Shear force, kg/g 63 2.99 1.05 1.92 6.69 35.2 653 3.19 1.06 1.44 12.2 33.3 102 2.60 0.48 1.64 4.54 18.4

No: number of chickens; Av: Average; SD: standard deviation; Min: Minimum; Max: Maximum; CV: coefficient of variation genotype A: Ross 708; genotype B: Ross 308; genotype C: Cobb 500.


Occurrence of myopathies within the trials. Not exclusive myopathy, i.e. white striping, wooden breast and/or spaghetti meat can be associated in the same breast.