Table 6.
Field name | Description |
Id | Unique id |
Notes | Note describing the unusual experience/symptoms |
Labels | n/a |
Source | How was the event entered? "Tap": By tapping on the ECG Holter "Self input": Manually created in the app |
Deleted1 | Was the event Deleted? (true/false) |
Comments | n/a2 |
Duration | Time in seconds for which symptoms lasted |
Symptom | Symptom experienced during the unusual event (e.g., “Dizziness”) |
Activity | Patients activity when the unusual symptoms were experienced |
Completed | Were the details of an event filled in? True: All fields were completed. False: Not filled/ Partially filled |
Reviewed | n/a |
Date_time | Time of the event as experienced by the patient |
The patient could delete an event, e.g., if it was created by accidentally tapping the ECG device.
The patient's comments are removed for anonymity.