Figure 7.
Effect of IL-1Ra on reducing neurobehavioral impairments in male and female offspring. Time of latency to reach familiar odor (A), Duration of mobility (B), Total distance travelled (C). Data were collected from three individual experiments. Statistical analyses were done by one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunnett’s or Dunn’s multiple comparisons multiple between the experimental groups (CTL, GBS, and GBS plus IL-1Ra); *p < 0.05, **p < 01. Bars show mean ± SEM. Number (n) of male and female: CTL (male and female, n = 6-11), GBS (male and female, n = 7- 10), and GBS plus IL-1Ra, (male and female, n = 4-8). Bars show mean ± SEM. F, female; GBS, group B Streptococcus; IL, interleukin; IL-1Ra, IL-1 receptor antagonist; M, male; n, number; SEM, standard error of the mean; Tx, treatment.