TOMM20-containing cytoplasmic vesicles express LC3B prior to complete AQP5 plasma membrane insertion in bovine lens cortical fiber cells. (A-1–C-1) High-magnification confocal images of TOMM20 immunolabeling (red) and LC3B immunolabeling (green) in the peripheral outer cortex (A), medial outer cortex (B), and outer cortex–inner cortex transitional region (C) of the bovine lens (Fig. 3A). In the peripheral outer cortex, LC3B is faintly expressed (A) in punctate, cytoplasmic vesicles (A–C, striped arrowheads). TOMM20-containing cytoplasmic vesicles (closed arrowheads) in the peripheral outer cortex colocalize minimally with LC3B. As outer cortical fiber cells mature, LC3B expression is upregulated; thus, LC3B-containing cytoplasmic vesicles are significantly larger and more abundant in the medial outer cortex (B) and outer cortex–inner cortex transitional region (C) relative to the peripheral outer cortex. LC3B colocalizes with the TOMM20-containing cytoplasmic vesicles in the medial outer cortex and the outer cortex–inner cortex transitional region (B, C). (A-2–C-2) Enlarged images of the TOMM20-containing cytoplasmic vesicles indicated by the arrowheads in A-1, B-1, and C-1. (A-3–C-3) Replicate images of A-2, B-2, and C-2 with only LC3B immunolabeling and DAPI labeling displayed. Scale bars: 10 µm (A-1, B-1, C-1) and 5 µm (A-2, A-3, B-2, B-3, C-2, C-3).