(a) RNH3 and NH3 yield of plasma alone
and plasma-catalytic systems (with SiO2, MCM-41 and catalysts
based on them, SEI = 36 kJ/L, Qgas = 40
mL/min, at 35 °C and 1 bar. Each
experiment lasted 3 h). (Errors were derived from three tests under
the same condition). (b) Turnover frequency (TOF, of plasma-catalytic
systems) as a function of SEI. (c) Logarithmic reaction rate (ln(RNH3)) vs 1/discharge powerDBD plots for the plasma alone and hybrid systems (based on the MCM-41
support and Ni/MCM-41 catalysts). (d) RNH3 over Ni/MCM-out as a function of ToS for 150 h (The
continuous sampling interval is 20 s). (e) Reported energy yield vs
NH3 concentration in the plasma-catalytic NH3 synthesis over different metallic catalysts using DBD. Plotted experimental
data are reproduced from the works of Bai et al.,39 Barboun et al.,40 Gómez-Ramírez
et al.,41 Herrera et al.,42 Iwamoto et al.,43,44 Kim et al.,45 Li et al.,46 Mizushima
et al.,47,48 Patil et al.,49 Peng et al.,24,50,51 Shah et al.,23,36 Wang et al.,17 Xie et al.,52 and Zhu et al.53