(a) Chemical structure
of OER1. (b) Light-driven PEC water splitting
device, consisting of TiO2-RuP/Nafion-OER1, a Pt cathode,
and an aqueous electrolyte. (c) Transient short-circuit current responses
to on–off cycles of illumination. The illumination is provided
by a light-emitting diode operated in a 0.1 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution in PEC devices without applying any bias.
Nafion pH 7.0 represents the related Nafion film prepared using a
pH 7.0 Nafion solution, respectively. (d) Oxygen evolution in PEC
devices without applying any bias, operated in a pH 7.0 phosphate
buffer solution, detected by a Clark electrode, and illuminated by
a 500 W xenon lamp through a 400 nm cut-off filter. Complex 1+ indicates the OER1. Adapted with permission from ref (180). Copyright 2010 Royal
Society of Chemistry.