Comparison between the water uptake, OH– conductivity
(σ), and ex situ stability of typical BTMA-, DMP-, ASU-, side-chain-,
imidazolium-, phosphonium/sulfonium-, cobaltocenium-, and ruthenium-type
AEPs. The water uptake (Wu) corresponds
to the σ value at the same temperature (most AEPs are recorded
at 80 °C, but some for the side-chain-, imidazolium-, sulfonium-,
and ruthenium-type AEPs are plotted at room temperature and 60 °C
due to insufficient information). The alkaline stability was recorded
based on the temporal stability of AEPs in 1 M NaOH or KOH at 80 °C
with degradation <10%, and some of the stable AEPs were evaluated
at harsher conditions. Adapted with permission from ref (350). Copyright 2021 Elsevier.