Stance limb |
The limb whose heel strike starts a gait cycle: e.g. if a gait cycle was right foot contact to right foot contact, the right limb would be the stance limb and the left would be the opposite. |
Spatiotemporal Parameters
Mean center of mass (CoM) velocity |
Forward velocity of the center of mass averaged over the duration of the step. |
Step length |
The average anterior-posterior distance from stance limb heel marker to the opposite limb heel marker between the time from opposite limb heel strike to stance limb toe off. |
Step width |
The average mediolateral distance from stance limb heel marker to opposite limb heel marker between the time from opposite limb heel strike to stance limb toe off. |
Joint Angles
Stance limb hip flexion |
Peak hip flexion angle (positive values) on the stance limb, during the stance phase (incorporating both double and single support). |
Stance limb hip extension |
Peak hip extension angle (negative values) on the stance limb, during the stance phase (incorporating both double and single support). |
Stance limb knee flexion |
Peak knee flexion angle (positive values) on the stance limb, during the stance phase (incorporating both double and single support). |
Stance limb ankle plantarflexion |
Peak ankle plantarflexion angle (negative values) on the stance limb, during the stance phase (incorporating both double and single support). |
Stance limb ankle dorsiflexion |
Peak ankle dorsiflexion angle (positive values) on the stance limb, during the stance phase (incorporating both double and single support). |
Timing of Joint Angles
Timing of peak hip flexion |
Stance phase was normalized to 100%, and time at which peak hip flexion occurs is reported as percentage of stance phase |
Timing of peak hip extension |
Stance phase was normalized to 100%, and time at which peak hip extension occurs is reported as percentage of stance phase |
Timing of peak knee flexion |
Stance phase was normalized to 100%, and time at which peak knee flexion occurs is reported as percentage of stance phase |
Timing of peak plantarflexion |
Stance phase was normalized to 100%, and time at which peak plantarflexion occurs is reported as percentage of stance phase |
Timing of peak dorsiflexion |
Stance phase was normalized to 100%, and time at which peak dorsiflexion occurs is reported as percentage of stance phase |