Detection of glycopeptides
in FraC nanopores. (A) Schematic representation
of a FraC monomer. The lumen-facing residues in the constriction of
the pore are indicated. (B) Schematic representation of the composition
of the peptides used. (C–E) Representative events (top), dwell
time versus excluded current (middle) and excluded current histogram
(bottom) of an equimolar mixture of 9mer_unmod, 9mer_1Glc, and 9mer_2Glc
measured in (C) FraCWt in 1 M KCl and 10 μM peptide
mixture, (D) FraCG13F in 1 M KCl and 2.5 μM peptide
mixture, (E) FraCG13F in 3 M LiCl and 5 μM peptide
mixture. The location of peaks in the histogram belonging to 9mer_unmod
(U), 9mer_1Glc (1), and 9mer_2Glc (2) are indicated. Data were recorded
at 50 kHz sampling frequency, with a 10 kHz Bessel filter at pH 3.8.
(F) Dwell time of the glycopeptides in buffers with varying salt concentrations.
(G) The left panel shows a cut through of a MD simulation of a FraCG13F nanopore (blue) in a lipid bilayer (gray) in the presence
of 3 M concentration of potassium (green) and chloride (white) ions
at pH 3.8. The right panel shows the cation concentration along the z-axis averaged over 20 ns of MD simulation trajectory under
a −50 mV potential.