Time series of in situ observations of (a) CF4 and (b) C2F6 at Gosan (black). Also shown are statistically determined background (green) and modeled concentrations based on convolution with transport and prior (blue) or posterior (red) emissions in the FLEXINVERT+ inverse modeling scheme. The prior used for these modeled concentrations is the flattened distribution at base magnitudes, see Section 4.3 for details. Shown below is the total measurement uncertainty (UNCmeas, in black) assigned for these observations, as well as the components that define it, namely the instrumental uncertainty (UNCinst, in gray), the background uncertainty (UNCbkg, in green), and the model representation uncertainty (UNCmod, in purple), plotted over time for (c) CF4 and (d) C2F6. See discussions in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 for details regarding the specific definitions of these uncertainties.