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. 2022 Jun 24;12(2):70–76. doi: 10.4103/ijciis.ijciis_76_21

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of patients with and without delirium

Clinical characteristic Delirium (n=107) No delirium (n=126) P $
Age (years), mean±SD 60.30±18.15 51.52±20.16 0.001
Gender, n (%)
 Male 55 (46.6) 63 (53.4) 0.831
 Female 52 (45.2) 63 (54.8)
RASS at enrollment, median (IQR) −1 (−2–0) 0 (0–0) 0.051
APACHE IV, median (IQR) 54 (28–87) 40 (26–68) 0.009
Mechanically ventilation at time of assessment, n (%)
 Mechanically ventilated 69 (57.5) 51 (42.5) <0.001
 Nonmechanically ventilated 38 (33.6) 75 (66.4)
Received blood transfusion (n) 47 54 0.870
ICU type (n)
 Medical 79 78
 Surgical 22 29
 Neurological 6 13
 Other 0 6
Primary admitting diagnosis to ICU (n)
 Sepsis 28 22
 Respiratory 47 41
 Neurologic 15 14
 Cardiac 5 8
 Surgery 3 11
 Other 9 30
Location immediately prior to ICU admission (n)
 Emergency department 56 65
 Hospital ward 37 38
 Operating room following surgery 5 9
 ICU at outside hospital 6 9
 Ward at outside hospital 1 3
Medications received (n)
 Fentanyl 31 36
 Propofol 5 6
 Dexmedetomidine 9 5
 Midazolam 8 11

$P value has been calculated using Pearson Chi-Square test, P value has been calculated using Independent sample t-test, P value has been calculated using nonparametric Mann–Whitney U-test, ^P value has been calculated using Fisher’s exact test. SD: Standard deviation, RASS: Richmond Agitation–Sedation Scale, APACHE: Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, ICU: Intensive care unit, IQR: Interquartile range