Positive aspects of Oncokompas according to participants
Themes | Subthemes | Example of a subtheme quotation |
Enabling patients to self‐manage |
‘The red scores [on a topic in Oncokompas]—then apparently you suffer from it [the symptoms] and it needs attention. Then I have a look [at the information and advice] and think “Do I recognize this? What do I do with it? Can I do something about it on my own, or do I need help?” And with the orange scores I just have a look “What's going on here? And how can I prevent that it [the topic] turns from an orange score into a red score? How do I get it back into green?” That I do not suffer from it anymore’. (P15) |
Personal library/resources |
‘[I've learned] that there are many options to get support. And now you know exactly—well, that it is advised to get support or not. Or that the advice is to talk about certain things with people in your environment, that helped me’. (P16) |
Discuss symptoms with healthcare provider |
‘For example, I can print my results. If I can take my results to my general practitioner or whoever, so I can say “Well, look at this, this is the advice I got [from Oncokompas].” I think that's useful’. (P9) |
Reliability |
‘I think that it is easier for people to find information established by research among cancer patients themselves. You can find a lot of information on the Internet about what can happen to you, and so many websites tell you different things. So, I think that this [Oncokompas] is very nice to have’. (P20) |
Accessibility |
‘I thought that it was pleasant to just use it [Oncokompas] by myself, at home’. (P16) |
Why recommend Oncokompas to other patients? |
‘I think—for people who are not able to—or who do not want to—for whatever reason—search for information by themselves and to be empowered …—because that is necessary when you are in the hospital, to be assertive. I think that this [Oncokompas] can be very useful for those people’. (P3) |