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. 2021 Aug 26;31(8):e02435. doi: 10.1002/eap.2435

Table 2.

Summary of the different scenarios presented in this study.

Simulated landscape type Model used Description of simulations Figures
Polar desert Mixture model variable mixtures of bare soil with lichens, mosses, vascular plants, snow, and water; and mixtures of water and vascular plants Figs. 2, 3
Graminoid tundra SAIL model graminoid canopies varying total LAI with backgrounds of bare soil, lichens, mosses, and water Figs. 4, 5
Graminoid tundra SAIL model graminoid canopies varying total LAI with bare soil background and varying fractions of standing dead plants Figs. 4, 6
Shrub tundra GeoSAIL model varying shrub cover on a background field of moss or graminoids; shrub crown LAI also varied Figs. 9, 7
Spruce woodland GeoSAIL model varying spruce cover on a background field of shrubs or lichens; shrub crown LAI varied and spruce crown LAI varied Figs. 9, 8