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. 2021 Nov 22;23(3):e13376. doi: 10.1111/obr.13376


Results of subgroup analyses in the meta‐analyses of correlation coefficients

Moderator k cohorts I 2 (%) Pooled r 95% CI Q between P‐value
HairF versus BMI QUIPS 1: Study participation (population‐based sampling) 0.34 0.55
Yes 34 51 0.10 0.07; 0.13
No 88 51 0.11 0.08; 0.14
QUIPS 3: Prognostic factor measurement (HairGC analysis method) 0.05 0.98
LC–MS 47 51 0.10 0.07; 0.14
ELISA 52 35 0.10 0.07; 0.14
CLIA 21 66 0.11 0.05; 0.17
QUIPS 4: Outcome (anthropometric) measurement 14.34 <0.001
Self‐reported 67 22 0.15 0.12; 0.18
Objectively measured 55 62 0.07 0.04; 0.10
QUIPS 5: Study confounding 2.74 0.43
CS use and outliers handled 39 62 0.13 0.09; 0.17
Only outliers handled 22 29 0.09 0.05; 0.13
Only CS use handled 33 30 0.10 0.06; 0.15
Neither handled 28 51 0.08 0.03; 0.12
QUIPS 6: Statistical analysis (Relevant statistics fully reported) 0.01 0.93
Yes 118 50 0.10 0.08; 0.13
No 4 65 0.10 −0.04; 0.23
HairF versus BMI SDS QUIPS 1: Study participation (population‐based sampling) 0.12 0.73
Yes 4 0 0.14 0.01; 0.27
No 7 0 0.12 0.05; 0.18
QUIPS 3: Prognostic factor measurement (HairGC analysis method) 0.63 0.73
LC–MS 6 70.7 0.06 −0.13; 0.25
ELISA 3 0 0.07 −0.13; 0.26
CLIA 2 0 0.13 0.04; 0.21
QUIPS 4: Outcome (anthropometric) measurement 2.11 0.15
Self‐reported 4 0 0.14 0.08; 0.20
Objectively measured 7 32.1 −0.01 −0.19; 0.18
QUIPS 5: Study confounding 0.86 0.83
Both handled 2 0 0.13 0.03; 0.24
Only outliers handled 2 0 0.13 0.04; 0.21
Only CS use handled 5 60.8 −0.01 −0.31; 0.28
Neither handled 2 0 0.13 0.00; 0.26
HairF versus WC QUIPS 1: Study participation (population‐based sampling) 3.95 0.05
Yes 9 65 0.07 0.02; 0.13
No 15 60 0.15 0.09; 0.20
QUIPS 3: Prognostic factor measurement (HairGC analysis method) 0.17 0.92
LC–MS 12 78 0.11 0.05; 0.18
ELISA 7 4 0.10 0.02; 0.17
CLIA 5 77 0.11 0.02; 0.21
QUIPS 4: Outcome (anthropometric) measurement 0.67 0.41
Self‐reported 3 40 0.18 0.01; 0.35
Objectively measured 21 71 0.11 0.06; 0.15
QUIPS 5: Study confounding 5.90 0.12
Both handled 9 68 0.08 0.02; 0.15
Only outliers handled 3 0 0.16 0.13; 0.19
Only CS use handled 7 33 0.13 0.05; 0.21
Neither handled 5 77 0.10 −0.03; 0.23
HairF versus WHR QUIPS 1: Study participation (population‐based sampling) 0.56 0.46
Yes 4 57 0.15 0.03; 0.26
No 12 36 0.10 0.04; 0.15
QUIPS 3: Prognostic factor measurement (HairGC analysis method) 0.34 0.56
LC–MS 11 33 0.10 0.05; 0.15
ELISA 4 76 0.16 −0.03; 0.34
QUIPS 4: Outcome (anthropometric) measurement 5.79 0.02
Self‐reported 2 0 0.36 0.16; 0.53
Objectively measured 14 36 0.10 0.06; 0.14
QUIPS 5: Study confounding 2.85 0.24
Both handled 6 53 0.09 0.02; 0.15
Only outliers handled 5 0 0.13 0.10; 0.16
Only CS use handled 4 57 0.23 0.06; 0.38
Neither handled 1 NA NA NA
HairE versus BMI QUIPS 1: Study participation (population‐based sampling) 0.02 0.89
Yes 6 40 0.11 0.07; 0.15
No 9 46 0.12 0.02; 0.21
QUIPS 4: Outcome (anthropometric) measurement 0.24 0.62
Self‐reported 3 78 0.22 −0.20; 0.57
Objectively measured 12 59 0.12 0.07; 0.16
QUIPS 5: Study confounding 8.08 0.04
Both handled 4 55 0.16 0.11; 0.21
Only outliers handled 4 0 0.07 0.04; 0.11
Only CS use handled 5 0 0.09 −0.02; 0.20
Neither handled 2 61 0.05 −0.12; 0.21

Note: Subgroup analyses were only performed when data of at least 2 cohorts were available within a subgroup and 10 cohorts across all subgroups. Bold text indicates statistically significant effect (P‐value < 0.05).

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HairF, hair cortisol; SDS, standard deviation score; WC, waist circumference; WHR, waist‐to‐hip ratio; LC–MS, liquid chromatography‐(tandem) mass spectrometry; ELISA, enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay; CLIA, chemiluminescent immunoassay.