Content of the exercise therapy intervention
Individual active exercise training adapted to individual treatment goals. Exercise functions and activities, including: |
Type: |
‐ Aerobic training |
Walking, biking, cross trainer, rowing and other (rhythmic) movements in which large muscle groups are used. |
‐ Strength training |
With use of own weight, attributes or devices. |
‐ Functional training |
Exercises that train motor skills such as balance or coordination, and activities of daily living; e.g. transfers, self‐ care, wash and dress oneself, housekeeping, and gait. |
Timing: |
First 12 weeks, two times a week. After 12 weeks, one time per week with an option of 14 extra treatment sessions in the first year. |
Dose of exercise: |
Duration of a training session is 30 min and intensity are based on the ACSM a guidelines. The training can be structured with increasing frequency, timing and intensity until the goal is achieved in steps of 5%–10% increase each week. |
Guidance by physical therapist: |
Instructing, demonstrating and giving feedback. |
Training location: |
The training will take place at a training center close to the participants home. Or at the home of the participant, depending on the physical limitations and ability to travel of the participant. |
Individual counseling physical activity, informing, advising and educating: |
Personal factors: |
Lifestyle/healthy behavior focusing on physical activity and optimal exercise level. |
External factors: |
Exercises at home (execution, time and place). |
Assistive product: |
Device that monitors the physical activity for motivation and behavioral change. |
Homework exercise program. |
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).