Neighbor-joining tree for sequences of 17 excised TGGE bands, strains of known Mycobacterium spp., and N. farcinica used as an outgroup. The scale bar corresponds to 0.01 estimated nucleotide substitution per sequence position. The 17 sequenced bands (GenBank accession numbers) are as follows: AC-1 (AF294742), AT-3 (AF220427), CC-4 (AF330695), CT-9 (AF294743), CT-10 (AF294744), CT-11 (AF220428), CT-12 (AF220429), CT-24 (AF294745), CT-25 (AF294746), JC-13 (AF294747), JC-14 (AF294748), JT-15 (AF220430), KT-19 (AF220431), KT-22 (AF220432), KT-23 (AF220433), KT-26 (AF294749), and KT-27 (AF294750). The 11 Mycobacterium spp. and the outgroup (accession numbers) are as follows: M. fluoroanthenivorans (AJ276274), Mycobacterium sp. strain LB501T (AJ245702), Mycobacterium sp. strain CH-1 (AF054278), Mycobacterium sp. strain RJGII-135 (U30661), M. flavescens (X52932), M. monacense (AF107039), Mycobacterium sp. strain U46146 (U46146), Mycobacterium sp. strain PYR-1 (U30662), M. austroafricanum (X93182), M. chlorophenolicum (X81926), Mycobacterium sp. strain TA5 (AB028483), and N. farcinica (X91041).