Table 4:
Distance to assigned school | Mean math achievement of assigned school | Proportion Black or Hispanic at assigned school | |
Three years before reassignment | −0.106* (0.048) | −0.004 (0.004) | −0.003 (0.002) |
Two years before reassignment | −0.086* (0.038) | 0.010*** (0.003) | −0.002 (0.001) |
One year before reassignment | — | — | — |
Year of reassignment | −0.160* (0.076) | 0.000 (0.005) | −0.026*** (0.003) |
One year after reassignment | −0.354*** (0.077) | 0.016** (0.006) | −0.030*** (0.003) |
Two years after reassignment | −0.452*** (0.082) | 0.025*** (0.006) | −0.032*** (0.003) |
Three years after reassignment | −0.505*** (0.084) | 0.045*** (0.006) | −0.029*** (0.003) |
Constant | 4.953*** (0.261) | 0.024* (0.012) | 0.351*** (0.006) |
N (student-year) | 1,098,210 | 904,727 | 1,353,521 |
R-square (overall) | 0.002 | 0.015 | 0.024 |
Note: Data are drawn from WCPSS administrative records. Distance to assigned school data are available for students in all grades and years with administrative data; mean math achievement data are available for all students in years in which their assigned school enrolls students in grades 3–8; proportion Black and Hispanic data are available for students in all grades and years with administrative data. All models include controls for student race/ethnicity, gender, special education, and ELL status; percent of students reassigned into student’s assigned school, percent of students reassigned out of student’s assigned school, node-by-grade fixed effects, year fixed effects as described in Equation (1). While all models include terms for 4 or more years before and after reassignment, these are not reported here due to imprecision. One year before reassignment represents the reference year and is indicated by “—”.